For those with very limited strength in their hand or wrist, this simple Arm Support Cuff can make a world of difference when gardening. The aluminium rod plugs into the back of any Easi-Grip® garden tool and allows the gardener to use the strength of the forearm for all gardening activity, reducing stress on hand and wrist. Customers are always amazed at what a difference this can make and can bring accessibility to gardening to a many more.
When used with our Add-On Handles this can make some two-handed activities possible using just one hand!

As the arm support cuff slots into the end of the handle, as well as giving support, it stops the tool falling to the ground if you lose your grip. For gardeners with dementia it is also a useful physical reminder of the task at hand.
All the Easi-Tips used on these pages came from the website for Thrive, the charity for Social and Therapeutic horticulture, where you will find many, many more great ideas and resources.